Are Coworking Spaces For Everyone?

When you hear the word “coworking space,” what do you think of? Maybe your mind goes to stories about savvy start-ups, sleek office spaces, and exciting networking opportunities—beer and wine included!

What if we told you that, although these are valid thoughts, other terms and phrases should come to mind? These include community, collaboration, cost-saving office management tools, privacy, and increased productivity.

Coworking spaces are powerful business tools. They increase motivation through community, provide access to new talent, boost productivity, and promote a healthy work-life balance among employees. And that goes for every type of personality, employee, and business.

Gone are the days when coworking spaces are reserved only for extroverted tech pros working out of Silicon Valley. The many advantages of coworking spaces are for everyone. And it’s the future of remote work.

Are Coworking Spaces For Everyone?

Promotes a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Any type of employee—whether working for a large-scale corporation, start-up, or small business—can benefit from the advantages of coworking spaces. The biggest reason? It gives them more job control, leading to a healthier work-life balance.

A coworking space is different from traditional office spaces because it’s open 24/7, and people can work when they’re most motivated. Workers can put in long hours when they have the most energy or the greatest need.

They can also work a schedule best suited for them, allowing them to work when they’re most productive and head home when their energy starts to fade—not when the office doors open and close. People can find the work-life balance they’re after when they feel empowered to manage their time.

A Dynamic Office Environment Helps Amberverts, Extroverts, and Introverts Thrive 

It’s true; coworking spaces are shared office spaces. And that can be enough to make an introvert ask, “is this really for me?”

On the flip side, ambiverts and extroverts might be wondering if they’ll get too distracted in a shared office space where opportunities for networking and collaboration are everywhere. 

However, coworking spaces provide a dynamic office environment. 

There are several different areas like: 

At the end of the day, you have the power to choose what’s best suits your work day. 

Are Coworking Spaces For Everyone?

Coworking Increases Happiness & Improves Overall Mental Health in All Personality Types

The way we work has significantly changed. Technology gives many professionals the freedom to work when and wherever they want. And many opt to work from home offices. 

But working from home isn’t a silver bullet. Distractions are everywhere, and feeling confined to one space without opportunities for collaboration can lead to feelings of isolation. 

Lack of peer engagement escalates feelings of isolation to feelings of loneliness. And this goes for every personality type. As it turns out, introverts aren’t fans of totally isolated workspaces either. 

Out of those who work from coworking spaces, 83% reported they are less lonely, and 89% reported feeling happier. The nature of this type of office environment helps remote workers feel supported even though these spaces are different from traditional office spaces.  

A study conducted by MIT found that feeling supported by your peers protects workers from loneliness, improving overall mental health outcomes. And that’s for all personality types, whether an extrovert, introvert, or ambivert.

Happiness Leads to Increased Productivity by up to 13%

Another one of the many advantages of coworking spaces is increased productivity. There is a direct correlation between feelings of happiness and increased productivity.

“We found that when workers are happier, they work faster by making more calls per hour worked and, importantly, convert more calls to sales,” said Professor De Neve when conducting a study.

That makes coworking spaces a hotbed for increased productivity. After all, 89% of people report feeling happy and saner when working out of coworking spaces than in home offices. 

Whether it’s the support of their peers, gym spaces, yoga rooms, or the ability to work from a private office, these spaces are different from traditional office spaces and benefit everyone because of their versatility and flexibility.

It has added benefits for those who are used to working in a corporate office covered wall to wall in cubicles.  

Are Coworking Spaces For Everyone?

Advantages of Coworking Spaces for Businesses 

Everyone wants their business to be successful. And companies have to be able to access the right talent in order to do that.

Employers gain access to larger talent pools more easily when they embrace remote work. 

Those employees can stay happier and more productive when companies provide access to coworking spaces for those remote working. 

Not only is increased productivity apparent, but 68% of workers reported improved skillsets. The collaborative nature and intersection of industries expose employees to diverse perspectives. This might be one of the biggest—and most beneficial—ways coworking is different from traditional office spaces. 

Businesses of Any Size Utilize Cost-Saving Office Management

Moving employees to coworking spaces offers cost-saving benefits. Often, an organization’s largest operating expense is renting a commercial office. Companies can forego expensive leases with long-term contracts and opt for something flexible and affordable. 

Here are other cost-saving advantages of coworking spaces that companies save money on:

  • Cleanings

  • Suppliers

  • Kitchen staples 

  • Utility costs 

  • Maintenance 

  • Rental fees 

  • Rental insurances 

The advantages of coworking spaces are for everyone, whether an entrepreneur or employee of a large-scale corporation, a small or large business. Employees get to enjoy a better work-life balance, skill-sharing, collaboration, and independence. And employers of all sizes get to experience increased productivity, larger talent pools, and fewer business expenses.