Why Students Are Studying in Coworking Spaces

Students are always on the lookout for spaces to study outside of their tiny dorm rooms or homes. It’s not uncommon to see students hitting the books in places like libraries, coffee shops, or any other space where they might get some peace and quiet.

Study Effectively in a Costudy Space

To be able to study, you need a quiet and comfortable environment. Companies and organizations that operate costudy spaces ensure that each member of the space has the perfect environment to get some study done. 

This is achieved by having policies to stop people from making noise, providing desks and comfortable seating, and providing amenities like free Wi-Fi, coffee-making facilities, and even sometimes free snacks. 

Benefits of Studying in a Coworking/Costudy Space

There are many benefits to joining or using a coworking/costudy space if you’re a current student looking for a quiet place to hit the books. Let’s discuss some of the most important.

Access to amenities

Studying in coworking spaces gives you access to several amenities like high-speed internet, food and drink options, and meeting rooms to help you study. They are great places if you need to gain some extra motivation to hit the books, as they have been set up specifically for you. 

Most top costudy spaces are fitted out with custom furniture and are temperature-controlled so you’ll be able to relax and get some study done in comfort.

Boost your productivity

Many students find they can significantly improve their grades when they join a coworking space. When studying in crowded coffee shops, in your dorm, and even sometimes in the library, it can often be loud and distracting, so you don’t get much quality study done. However, students find that when they hit the books in a costudy space, it makes them much more productive because there aren’t any distractions.

A 24/7 secure environment

Since libraries and coffee shops generally close before midnight, they aren’t the best study spots when you need to pull an all-nighter. Many coworking/costudy spaces stay open much later and have in-house security systems to ensure it’s a safe environment – some of them will even provide you with your own key card so you can enter and exit whenever you wish.

Meet other people

Studying in coworking spaces allows you to network with fellow students and professionals, as they are a great place to meet other people. It’s not uncommon for students to find job opportunities as they will be interacting with professionals who have already graduated. They are also a place to make new friends as you are surrounded by like-minded individuals – many of whom will have similar interests to you.

Where to Find Costudy Spaces for Students

Coworking/costudy spaces can be found in all major cities and towns. Since most educational institutions are located centrally, you should be able to find a coworking space close to your school. Ranch Office, for example, has two coworking spaces in Spring Branch and Katy, Texas, which are both located in convenient locations for students. It’s also good to remember that with the pandemic, many students now study remotely, so a coworking space doesn’t have to be located close to their school for them to join up.

Student Coworking/Costudying Memberships

Most coworking/costudy spaces offer flexible memberships to their members. For example, you can join up and go to the space just for a day, a month, or any timeframe in between. There are also membership options when you only pay each time you want a desk, so you don’t have to pay a regular subscription fee. If you live in Spring Branch or Katy, Texas, you should check out Ranch Office.

The Texas-inspired coworking space provides all members with a full set of perks and has different membership options to suit your specific needs. Visit our website to see all the amazing membership options.

Driving Home Inclusivity with Coworking Spaces

Coworking spaces are becoming more and more popular. And it isn't just because they provide internet access and a desk. They hold events that encourage networking across diverse industries and perspectives. By holding events and creating a diverse and inclusive environment, coworking spaces can help promote social change, making them a great place to drive home inclusivity.

This article will discuss how coworking space events can help drive home inclusivity and why businesses must support these initiatives.

What are Coworking Spaces?

A coworking space is a shared office environment that offers members the benefits of a traditional office without the cost or commitment. Coworking spaces are usually membership-based, and they offer amenities like conference rooms, private offices, kitchen facilities, physical therapy spaces, and more.

Many coworking spaces also host events. These events can be anything from educational workshops to networking mixers. And these events are often open to the public.

Why are Diversity and Inclusion Important?

Diversity and inclusion are important for many reasons. First, they help create a more well-rounded workplace. A diverse workforce brings different perspectives and ideas to the table, which can lead to better decision-making.

Inclusivity is also important because it helps create a sense of belonging. When people feel like they belong, they are more likely to be engaged in their work and committed to their organization.

Why Hold Coworking Space Events?

There are many reasons why businesses should hold coworking space events. For one, it can help promote inclusivity and diversity within the workplace. 

Hosting events are a great way for new members to meet the community, and social events or catered lunches can really drive a sense of family within the space.

Networking events can also be a great way to build community. When people come together to learn, network, and have fun, they often form strong connections. These connections can lead to future business opportunities.

Tips for Choosing Inclusive Coworking Spaces

busy coworking space

It is important to choose inclusive coworking spaces. When scoping out coworking facilities, it's essential to ask the office management, "what makes this a diverse coworking space?" 

Asking specific open-ended questions is a great way to get people talking about what you are interested in learning about. Listen carefully, and you'll be able to gauge how much of a priority building inclusive coworking spaces is for the facility. 

It would help if you asked about the different types of businesses that use that coworking space and how many are signed up. Knowing how diverse the companies are will give you an idea of how diverse the people are. It’s also important to ask about shared spaces. In a coworking space, there are many offices for rent that people use for their business, but there are also spaces for people to work openly next to others. Making sure your coworking space offers such spaces will let you know that they value open communication and interaction between people and don’t shy away from it.

Here are some other tips:

  • Look for coworking spaces that have a diverse membership.

  • Ask what the policies and procedures are that promote inclusive coworking spaces. 

  • Ensure that there is building security to provide safety to all remote workers during hours of operation.

The culture of the space should be collaborative so that it promotes inclusive and diverse coworking spaces and encourages community-building among professionals. 

Overall happiness will increase when professionals work in a diverse and inclusive office environment. They will naturally feel more supported, combatting feelings of loneliness and leading to better mental health outcomes. 

At the end of the day, any culture that is diverse and inclusive supports overall happiness. Coworking spaces can lead to increased productivity as a result. 

Tips for Planning the Best Coworking Space Events

You want to be sure that you're thoughtful if you're planning an inclusive coworking space event for your business or employees. Consider bringing in a diverse panel of employees prior to planning the event. Ask them what they would like to see out of an event like this. 

Present them with general ideas of the learning and networking opportunities you're looking to provide, ask them what would make this beneficial to each of them, and then work to consider each perspective when building the event.

Here are some other tips to help make it a success:

  • Make sure the event is relevant to all employee members that are attending.

  • Choose a topic that is interesting and engaging.

  • Select speakers or panelists who are knowledgeable about the topic.

  • Choose a diverse panel with diverse perspectives to promote inclusivity.

  • Plan plenty of activities for attendees to participate in.

  • Promote the event widely on social media and elsewhere. 

Ready to Join a Coworking Space?

As you can see, coworking spaces are the perfect alternative for any professional that wants to prioritize inclusivity. Do you want to learn more about joining a coworking space?

If so, contact us today to receive more helpful information about our diverse coworking spaces.

Best Places To Work Remotely In Houston

Remote working and remote studying are fast becoming the norm rather than the alternative. This article seeks to help you navigate this brand-new space and find the best solution for your unique needs.

What to Look for in a Coworking Space

Let's look at the main points of consideration when trying to select a good place for working remotely in Houston. Whether these are places to sit and work or places to study, these key points are important to keep in mind.


When it comes to digital nomads of this generation, the vibe of a place is as important as the actual facilities. In fact, if the place has a great vibe, we tend to overlook minor shortcomings. After all, you should want to spend more time there being productive.

coworking space

Great Wi-Fi

This is a given. You need solid connectivity in order to be productive when you are working online. A coworking space is nothing without an incredible Wi-Fi connection.

Noise Levels

Focused work is often difficult in a noisy environment. So if you are looking for places to do work remotely in Houston, you should also keep this in mind. Also, take note of the fact that noise levels may vary throughout the day. So make sure to visit and do a test run around the same time of the day when you want to be productive.


This is, of course, going to be a significant consideration. Everything could be perfect, and the cost may be the dealbreaker. However, most places have flexible plans that allow you to pay as you go or choose to take out a membership. Make sure to explore various membership options, as most spaces offer a spectrum of workspace memberships that can fit most budgets, from flexible open space to larger private offices.

Memberships usually have more benefits attached, so if you are planning on long-term remote working, look into these deals.

Ability to Host Others

This is an important one if you need to collaborate or have a group study session. Most coworking spaces have at least one enclosed area for holding meetings. Good ones have multiple spaces in various sizes and capacities.

Free Places to Sit and Work

Some of the best things in life are free. This also applies to remote working places. There are a lot of public places where access is free, and no one will bother you if you choose to sit down for a few hours and just work.

place to sit and work

Hotel lobbies are a good example. Most hospitality establishments have a central lobby area where outsiders can come and sit. This is usually meant as a buffer zone where guests can meet visitors. These areas are usually calm, pleasant, and equipped with chairs and tables. Best of all, they are free and comfortable.

Public libraries, certain museums, gallery spaces, and similar places are other great free spots for individuals to sit and work. And if you need to work with a group, take it to an open space like Levy park or Discovery Green.

Best Places to Work Remotely

Coffee shops are the age-old haunt for writers and poets. There are endless stories of famous writers getting the bulk of their writing done at coffee shops. Some of them, like JK Rowling (author of the Harry Potter series), would go to these places to save money on things like heating, WiFi, etc

Besides, it is an ideal thing to do if you enjoy people watching and don't mind a bit of a bustle. However, if you want a more structured environment, you are better off at a dedicated remote working space that gives you a good replacement for the office environment that you are perhaps used to.

For many people, working remotely is challenging because of the lack of structure. As a result, working from home becomes unproductive and frustrating. This is where a coworking solution like Ranch Office comes in.

A space such as this is built with productivity in mind and is designed to help you maintain your focus and clarity. Paired with the right amenities, services, and flexible membership options, these are certainly great places to do work.

Best Places to Study Remotely

Coworking spaces are also great for those who are looking to study remotely. They are quiet, focused environments that usually have the right balance of services and independence.

While a lot of people would be happy enough with just sitting at the park or studying at a coffee shop, a dedicated space is ideal for those who want to be highly productive in every hour they study.

It is a great break from the dorm room or the library because those can get distracting very quickly.

Get Comfortable

In the end, the best place to study or work is wherever you are most comfortable and are able to focus for long periods at a time. If you’re looking for a place to study or work remotely in Houston, you’ll find that Ranch Office has everything that you need.

Are Coworking Spaces For Everyone?

When you hear the word “coworking space,” what do you think of? Maybe your mind goes to stories about savvy start-ups, sleek office spaces, and exciting networking opportunities—beer and wine included!

What if we told you that, although these are valid thoughts, other terms and phrases should come to mind? These include community, collaboration, cost-saving office management tools, privacy, and increased productivity.

Coworking spaces are powerful business tools. They increase motivation through community, provide access to new talent, boost productivity, and promote a healthy work-life balance among employees. And that goes for every type of personality, employee, and business.

Gone are the days when coworking spaces are reserved only for extroverted tech pros working out of Silicon Valley. The many advantages of coworking spaces are for everyone. And it’s the future of remote work.

Are Coworking Spaces For Everyone?

Promotes a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Any type of employee—whether working for a large-scale corporation, start-up, or small business—can benefit from the advantages of coworking spaces. The biggest reason? It gives them more job control, leading to a healthier work-life balance.

A coworking space is different from traditional office spaces because it’s open 24/7, and people can work when they’re most motivated. Workers can put in long hours when they have the most energy or the greatest need.

They can also work a schedule best suited for them, allowing them to work when they’re most productive and head home when their energy starts to fade—not when the office doors open and close. People can find the work-life balance they’re after when they feel empowered to manage their time.

A Dynamic Office Environment Helps Amberverts, Extroverts, and Introverts Thrive 

It’s true; coworking spaces are shared office spaces. And that can be enough to make an introvert ask, “is this really for me?”

On the flip side, ambiverts and extroverts might be wondering if they’ll get too distracted in a shared office space where opportunities for networking and collaboration are everywhere. 

However, coworking spaces provide a dynamic office environment. 

There are several different areas like: 

At the end of the day, you have the power to choose what’s best suits your work day. 

Are Coworking Spaces For Everyone?

Coworking Increases Happiness & Improves Overall Mental Health in All Personality Types

The way we work has significantly changed. Technology gives many professionals the freedom to work when and wherever they want. And many opt to work from home offices. 

But working from home isn’t a silver bullet. Distractions are everywhere, and feeling confined to one space without opportunities for collaboration can lead to feelings of isolation. 

Lack of peer engagement escalates feelings of isolation to feelings of loneliness. And this goes for every personality type. As it turns out, introverts aren’t fans of totally isolated workspaces either. 

Out of those who work from coworking spaces, 83% reported they are less lonely, and 89% reported feeling happier. The nature of this type of office environment helps remote workers feel supported even though these spaces are different from traditional office spaces.  

A study conducted by MIT found that feeling supported by your peers protects workers from loneliness, improving overall mental health outcomes. And that’s for all personality types, whether an extrovert, introvert, or ambivert.

Happiness Leads to Increased Productivity by up to 13%

Another one of the many advantages of coworking spaces is increased productivity. There is a direct correlation between feelings of happiness and increased productivity.

“We found that when workers are happier, they work faster by making more calls per hour worked and, importantly, convert more calls to sales,” said Professor De Neve when conducting a study.

That makes coworking spaces a hotbed for increased productivity. After all, 89% of people report feeling happy and saner when working out of coworking spaces than in home offices. 

Whether it’s the support of their peers, gym spaces, yoga rooms, or the ability to work from a private office, these spaces are different from traditional office spaces and benefit everyone because of their versatility and flexibility.

It has added benefits for those who are used to working in a corporate office covered wall to wall in cubicles.  

Are Coworking Spaces For Everyone?

Advantages of Coworking Spaces for Businesses 

Everyone wants their business to be successful. And companies have to be able to access the right talent in order to do that.

Employers gain access to larger talent pools more easily when they embrace remote work. 

Those employees can stay happier and more productive when companies provide access to coworking spaces for those remote working. 

Not only is increased productivity apparent, but 68% of workers reported improved skillsets. The collaborative nature and intersection of industries expose employees to diverse perspectives. This might be one of the biggest—and most beneficial—ways coworking is different from traditional office spaces. 

Businesses of Any Size Utilize Cost-Saving Office Management

Moving employees to coworking spaces offers cost-saving benefits. Often, an organization’s largest operating expense is renting a commercial office. Companies can forego expensive leases with long-term contracts and opt for something flexible and affordable. 

Here are other cost-saving advantages of coworking spaces that companies save money on:

  • Cleanings

  • Suppliers

  • Kitchen staples 

  • Utility costs 

  • Maintenance 

  • Rental fees 

  • Rental insurances 

The advantages of coworking spaces are for everyone, whether an entrepreneur or employee of a large-scale corporation, a small or large business. Employees get to enjoy a better work-life balance, skill-sharing, collaboration, and independence. And employers of all sizes get to experience increased productivity, larger talent pools, and fewer business expenses. 

How Coworking Spaces Stay Relevant in 2022

Covid-19 has changed the way the world works. Whether it is the ‘Great Resignation’ sweeping the US, or the newfound freedom and challenges that working from home has caused many employees to experience, the pandemic has permanently changed how we work.

As a result, offices & companies have to change how they view remote working. Many have come to terms with the work-from-home setup, but technical challenges remain.

The banking sector is an excellent example of this situation. Complex data security issues need to be addressed in such an industry, and employees working from home remain at risk for security breaches and non-compliance with industry standards.

This is one reason that 24-hour coworking spaces offer a host of benefits over both a traditional office and a work-from-home setup.

How Coworking Spaces Stay Relevant in 2022

Coworking Space Benefits

You need to be aware of various key advantages when considering a coworking space for your work.

Anyone can benefit from a coworking space, from a major corporation to a small business; these spaces offer the right work-life balance. Coworking spaces provide an office environment that helps you focus on your work, alongside areas to relax and network if necessary.

There are also creative coworking spaces to help you make crucial breakthroughs for your projects. Such areas can increase productivity because of fewer distractions and a dedicated space for your work. The 24/7 access also enables you to choose your preferred hours. Whether you deal with clients overseas or work better at night, you decide your office hours.

Facilities such as hot desks enhance your ability to run your business successfully. Industrial security features enable corporations to maintain compliance with data security and more.

Flexibility for Businesses Large and Small

Companies big and small quickly realize the need to maintain a lean presence and have a flexible footprint. Thus, they opt to have a hub and spoke approach to their workforce. Coworking space benefits include renting only the space you need and the ability to scale up and down without moving locations.

You can change the number of seats your business requires every month, thus helping you cut down on your overheads. A 24-hour coworking space provides your employees and your business with everything that you need to run your operations smoothly.

Companies are taking a more distributed approach to their workforce, accepting the new norm of spreading them out geographically. This model also allows brands and companies to build a presence in multiple areas without investing in office-related infrastructure.

Imagine opening an office and having access to all the essential business facilities in any location. This is one of the leading coworking space benefits attracting more and more brands. It allows you to rent what you need for as long as you need it. All the upkeep and security details are taken care of by the space itself.

How Coworking Spaces Stay Relevant in 2022

The Winds of the Future

As the world opens up after the pandemic, 2022 will see rapid growth in the coworking sector. Companies of all sizes have realized the cost benefits of utilizing coworking spaces for their workforce.

Flexible workspaces are the way of the future, and the Great Resignation aids this conclusion. Many professionals have tasted the freedom to work on their own time and handle their projects as freelance professionals.

All they need for achieving greater productivity is a dedicated office space. A 24-hour coworking space gives them the right opportunity to rent the space they need without paying for an expensive commercial rental space.

Many coworking spaces include private offices and hot desks, depending on personal preference. A shared workspace can often be just the thing you need to cut out boredom and spark creativity.

Find Your Creativity at a Coworking Space Today

Coworking spaces can solve many issues for businesses of all sizes and independent professionals. Working from home is great, but it's certainly not for everyone. Suppose you are missing the structure and focus of having a dedicated office space or a coworking environment; a 24-hour coworking space can increase productivity, job satisfaction, and better work-life balance. 

The Best Tech for a Hybrid Workplace

Hybrid workspaces have become part of our new normal. We see people choosing to work from home or quitting their current jobs to find one that is more open to hybrid work. People are choosing to spend more time with their family, make their own hours, or benefit their mental health.

The tech industry has taken note of these changes to our work environments and has adapted accordingly. The industry is creating new software, platforms, and innovative equipment to help integrate our remote and in-office workers.

Collaboration Tools & Software

The core of any productive workplace is communication. Luckily, online communication tools have evolved and become essential to businesses and companies worldwide.

Communication tools like Microsoft Teams, Google Chat, and Slack have become increasingly popular, especially now that many companies are embracing the concept of hybrid offices. These tools provide a way for employees to chat and support each other. They also offer a way for workers to share files easily, track progress on projects, and even provide online whiteboards. Implementing these new communication tools can help make your hybrid workplace more efficient.

These tools offer clarity that sometimes is lacking when working at home or in a coworking space. 

The Best Tech for a Hybrid Workplace

Productivity Trackers

Productivity trackers help managers see where their employees are in their tasks and how they spend their day. These trackers keep a hybrid workspace flourishing and efficient. 

Working remotely comes with its own handful of different distractions than a typical workplace environment. For instance, checking social media more often and household pets that need attention can be quite distracting. Productivity trackers help maintain a steady workflow so that projects don't fall behind and productivity decreases.

In a hybrid workspace, it's a good idea to keep an eye on the productivity of your projects to make sure to meet all your deadlines and that workers are doing the work that they clock hours for. Productivity trackers help decrease the number of distractions that come up during the day. They've been proven to help increase productivity!

Communication Platforms

With the steady rise in work-from-home situations, the need for a communication platform between all employees has skyrocketed. Now more than ever, employees, bosses, and managers stay connected and communicate faster and reliably during the day and outside office hours. 

These communication platforms help decrease the number of misunderstandings or forgotten tidbits of information that happen in a face-to-face conversation. In addition, employees can go back into the chats to reference a conversation or document dropped in the chat!

Communication platforms like Google Chat, Slack, and more are great for getting information to your colleagues. They're faster and more helpful in sharing information, documents, photos, links, and spreadsheets.

Most of these communication platforms also offer ways to schedule meetings on video chat with your employees instead. This way, you have the option to include many people in them and have team meetings without even being in the same building.

There are also platforms such as Voxer that allow colleagues to communicate through walkie-talkie style communication. This occurs by either sending voice messages back and forth by just holding down a single button or messaging the person directly. It makes it easy to communicate with coworkers without sitting and typing out a message.

The Best Tech for a Hybrid Workplace

Document Management

Document management is vital to a workforce, and even more so when some of your team is working remotely. The ability to share, store, organize and monitor documents helps keep projects on the right path so you never miss a deadline or can't find a file. 

Quickly store and organize your documents in folders, tag, and share the file with others so that they can read, edit or download any file. From PDFs to photos and videos, document management software or platforms like Google Drive is an essential aspect of your office.

You can also check who has been on, edited, or deleted the documents themselves. So, if questions arise, just check and see who you need to follow up with, which makes communicating and solving issues faster as well.

This is also a great option to help declutter your email inbox. You free up your inbox for more important emails by sending documents directly instead of emailing them.

With these new ways of working together, the world is warming up to the idea of the hybrid workplace to better their work environment, mental health, and overall company morale.

With the right technology and software, you can create a flexible, supportive hybrid workplace that will help your company thrive, remotely or in person!

Why Do People Thrive in Coworking Spaces?

Why Do People Thrive in Coworking Spaces?

The transition from traditional offices and work-from-home settings to coworking spaces has revolutionized the way we perceive the workplace. Coworking offices proved that “All work and no play” doesn’t need to be the office norm. Work and at least a little play can coexist harmoniously and effectively while enhancing productivity and creativity in business.

How Coworking Could Support a Major Shift in Where People Live

How Coworking Could Support a Major Shift in Where People Live

More than any other generation, millennials, who will make up about 75 percent of the workforce by 2025, cite work-life balance as an important factor in choosing a job. So, companies that want to attract and retain top talent have to find ways to support a better work-life balance for their employees. In many cases, that means letting go of the idea of business-as-usual and embracing the ways in which technology and innovation can keep people connected and productive.

How Workplaces Could Adapt in a Post-Covid World

How Workplaces Could Adapt in a Post-Covid World

It’s no secret that the Covid-19 pandemic has completely upended the idea of a “normal” workplace. Due to the pandemic, many employers have been forced to allow their employees to switch to working remotely, rather than commuting to a large central office every day. Whether the choice was made to protect the health and safety of employees, to comply with local ordinances for sheltering-in-place, or to cut costs during an uncertain time, the results have been the same for many businesses: employees can be just as productive, or even more productive, when working remotely.

Amenities in Coworking

Amenities in Coworking

These days, most coworking spaces aim to make their locations as comfortable as possible. What started as a humble means of acquiring workspace has taken on a life of its own - providing workers with just about everything they could ever need over the course of the day and then some. When you read about some of the amenities offered, it's easy to see why people are choosing these locations over traditional or home offices. 

Niche Coworking Spaces

Niche Coworking Spaces

Coworking spaces are evolving. As more and more people turn to self-employment and freelance work, it makes sense that a whole industry would rise up to answer the demand for personal working space. With the advent of connectivity tools, apps, programs, and technology designed to streamline entrepreneurship, there’s also been a noticeable increase in the diversity of careers that people…